Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sim Cards, Waterproofs and a Scout Marathon

I wasn't going to write this post. If I update too much, Dan In Norway might turn into a flabby beast like satellite television (or any other kind of television, for that matter); a lot of nothing. It's best if I keep the blog lean. But today's scout activitiy brings with it fifteen hours of broadband access; I think I'll make the most of it.

Regular readers will be relieved to hear that my shopping yesterday was an all-round success. I'd bumped into a couple of the youth at Arna station who were going into Bergen for hats and a film. Hats made sense - although the rain's stayed away since the twenty-four hour downpour on Thursday, the temperature's really dropped (-2 today, I think). But they showed me to a sports shop I wouldn't have found otherwise and got rain trousers and uber-wellingtons for not much money. Good. I also got a bit of a guided tour of Bergen (fish market, blue stone meeting point, record store, et cetera) and made my way back to Arna, where I found the sim I needed.

In the evening we had the first Casa Feliz, an evangelistic youth group that went down really well. Plenty of non-Christians there and while it was mostly fun and games (a murder mystery...) they all stayed for the worship time and bite-sized preach.

Today is the day of the International Scout Jamboree. In Arna that means that we've all come down to a local secondary school for continuous movies, video games and internet, starting at 11am Saturday and finishing at 2am Sunday. I've qualified for the second round of the doubles dance mat tournament and look forward to some Indiana Jones at 1am. Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of my all-time favourite films.

Right. Tomorrow I'm going to Torbjorn's to watch Brann, who are my new Norwegian team. They're the local team, sort of mid-table but still the best-supported team in Norway (so I'm told) and their name means "fire". But for now I think I'd better try and hook up to the Arsenal commentary before they call me for karaoke. The question is: which will be less torture?


Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Good stuff man. Its good to see that you're settling in well. Quite clearly, however bad your Norwegian karaoke is, it will still be no match for the torture of being a freakin Arsenal supporter at the moment.

Lots of people interested in how things are going on with you down here. Blog looks good, keep up the good work. Peace and out.

Saturday, 15 October, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

Mum and dad mentioned your site so we HAD to have a look. Really enjoyed reading about your adventures so far in Norway - look froward to more. We are all well, Joseph has just celebrated his 7th birthday with lots of thigns dinosaur!


Claire, Simon, Joseph and Joanthan

Sunday, 16 October, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...

I can't believe Joseph is seven...

Thanks for dropping by, it's good to hear from you!

Monday, 17 October, 2005  

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