Cultural Differences, Part One - Time and Potatoes
After one week in Scandanavia a few distinctions have become apparent between the way of life I'm used to and how things are now so I thought I'd share the less obvious ones with you:
1) TELLING THE TIME - In England, if I was to say "see you at half four", you would understand that we were to meet at 16:30; that "half" means "half past". But in Norway, "half four" means "halfway to four", that is, 15:30! It took a couple of separate explanations for me to understand this.
2) MEAL TIMES - I still haven't fully grasped the eating schedule here, but my current understanding is that you have breakfast first thing, lunch at 12 noon, dinner at about 4pm and tea roughly at 8pm. Tea could be a sandwich or two, waffles, something like that.
3) PEELING POTATOES - Whereas the english way of serving boiled potatoes is to peel, boil and dish them up, the norwegian way is to just boil them. Then, at the dinner table, everyone stabs a fork into a potatoe and skillfully peels it with their table knife. Never in my life had I witnessed such a dinner-time act.
With your new knowledge you should be able to navigate Scandinavia without looking like a foreigner whatsoever. Congratulations.
More travel tips:
If you are ever in Wales at Christmas time, it is customary to pinch the left bum cheek of the hardest man you can find. The harder the pinch, the more respectful.
Are you a Lovell too? if so, are you a Lovell that I have met? if yes, sorry for forgetting.
Yes I am and we met briefly once or twice...
I really like your blog, always interesting and lately I was looking at the individualism/consumerism one.
Could the answer be the Lord's prayer? (You know, not word for word neccesarily, but an expression of it.) It's in the plural so is corporate, can (or should) be practised daily and while it does ask for needs to be met (nothing wrong with balance) the emphasis is on glorifying God and wanting His will to be done... What do you think?
Your comment also explains a few uncomfortable past Christmases in Llangellwellengenen...
Hi Dan,
Cool site - hope you are well. We will keep watching your site to see how you're doing.
Take care
Love Jon, Karen, Chris and Victoria xx
Bizzarrely, I had a dream about all the Higgins lot only last night...
Thanks for posting, hope all is well down there.
Dan, I like your idea. The Lord's prayer is certainly a useful tool in this respect.
Daniel... Finally got onto your blog and I had to post a comment on this old gem of a post, as I too have experienced the oddity of peeling taters post-cook, it's a french thing too! I even got so good at it that one of the guys would pass me their spuds to peel for them - ROCK!
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