Sunday, June 04, 2006

What Would Jack Bauer Do?

It goes without saying that Satanists are pretty annoying at the best of times and this coming Tuesday will be no exception. The little rascals have noticed that the date will be 6/6/06:

1: The number of the Beast! Yes, six-six-oh-six, phwa-ha-ha!
2: Hang on...
1: What?
2: Are you sure?
1: What are you talking about man?!
2: Isn't it six-six-six?
1: Exactly. That's what I said.
2: No, you said six-six-oh-six.
1: Oh, right. Er, isn't that it?
2: Maybe. But the oh sits a little oddly, don't you think?
1: I see your point. Well what the Dickens is it then?
2: I'm not sure now, you've got me all in a fluster.
1: Hold on, I'll get my Bible.
2: I thought you were supposed to be a Satanist?
1: Well, yeah, but it looks good on the bookshelf. Leather-bound, gold edging on the pages.
2: That's true. It does tie the room together.
1: Well, how kind of you to say!
2: Not at all.

Anyway. It seems that the Norwegian Devilists have become very excited that 6 June 2006 is two thousand and five years, five months and six days since the arbitrary day incorrectly assigned to mark the birth of Jesus of Nazareth (the real one, not Robert "Rubbish" Powell). And so, last week many churches received emails from their insurance companies warning them that Satanic groups are organising themselves, over the internet, to try and burn as many church buildings as possible on that day. Seriously, what is their problem. Because they do have a problem.

It's double the bother for us, as we've got the building in Arnatveit and also the building for the upcoming church plant in Espeland to think about. So we're being organised into shifts to guard those two potential targets for the entire day, which sounds like the basis for a pretty decent series of 24, I think you'll agree. And for your part, if you wouldn't mind praying that everything remains uncharred this week, that'd be much appreciated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dan I will be praying that "no weapon fashioned against you will prosper" blessings in Jesus

Tuesday, 06 June, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

Thanks mate. It all turned out okay in the end, both buildings were fine.

Wednesday, 07 June, 2006  
Blogger Tim Lovell said...

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Friday, 09 June, 2006  
Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Is that a countdown to take off that I can see at the top of your blog?

Where did you find it?

Friday, 09 June, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

It's a countdown to landing at Stanstead because, oh boy, do I love Stanstead!

I can't remember where I got it from but it's pure Java - if you view the page source code (ctrl+U, in Firefox) and then find the relevant part (everything between the tags <script language="JavaScript"> and </script>), then you can easily customise it for whatever countdown you may have in mind...

You can add words too (days, hours, minutes and seconds until...) to make it less cryptic than mine.

Friday, 09 June, 2006  
Blogger Jon said...

Was there any sign of a problem?

Did you hear of any churches that got burnt down?

Friday, 16 June, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

No sign, Jon. Both buildings were watched for the whole day and there was no trouble. I didn't hear of any other trouble elsewhere either, which is brilliant.

Hopefully it was just worried insurance companies.

Monday, 19 June, 2006  
Blogger Jon said...

I reckon it was angels.

Saturday, 24 June, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

Yeah, it would have been exciting to have a Jedi/Sith-type rumble. Not that there wasn't plenty of prayer going down, though.

Monday, 26 June, 2006  

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