Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Yeah Boyee!

Casa Feliz is usually a low-key affair. Every week there is a game, a few songs of worship and a short talk but, other than that, it's just a space to chat, play cards and eat pizza. It's important to have that format so that there's a chance to have decent conversations with the youth. Once a month though, we put on some larger kind of event. This Friday we held a fancy dress party and I think it went down as one of the best Casa Felizes yet.

The outstanding effort of the evening was undoubtedly made by Øystein (or, more accurately, his wife Jannicke) who turned up dressed as an impeccably detailed, six foot milk carton. I went as an eighties b-boy in my vintage Arsenal tracksuit and some assorted sweatbands. As I was doing the talk, the game and playing bass I had to wear something relatively practical and less distracting. While the 100% polyester caused an immense static build-up, I was happy to find out how much more comfortable a wristband makes bass playing.

I chose a multicoloured Adidas sweat rag to wear on Sunday, when the youth led worship for the family service. We spent almost all of our preparation time learning kids' songs and I feel it is my duty to report that the Norwegians have mangled the chorus of "Who's the King of the Jungle?", giving it a truly bizarre, horrible melody. But the youth did well; I knew they would.

After the service, a bit of time spent on the scout video and a short walk in the mountains I cycled home for dinner. I knew what the main course would be - my first taste of that controversially-eaten marine mammal, the whale. I don't know much about the issue of whaling but I do know that the meat was already dead, bought and cooked so to refuse it would have been pointless and ungrateful. I was a few minutes late so they had already started but there was still plenty left for me. You might say that they saved the whale.


Blogger Tim Lovell said...

I hope you had a whale of a time... Eh WHALE?!?!?!?!

Anyways, Whale I was reading your blog, I thought that I'd better not Sperm the opportunity to read such a Killer post. I almost Blue my top when I saw what you had eaten. I began to think of Orca-inds of animals that I would be happy top eat if offered, but not so sure what I would refuse. The Porpoise of me saying this, is I am wondering whether there is any meat that you would refuse to eat- even if offered by some friendly foreign types.

Anyhoo, glad that the party was fab, its a shame I wasn't able to look at all the costumes- especially the milk. It would've been great to calCIUM!!!

Oh dear, I think I'm going to go and lie down...

Tuesday, 21 March, 2006  
Blogger Jon said...

Impressive gag Tim, you have way to much time on your hands.

Dan, I agree, hospitality should be central in matters such as this.

Tuesday, 21 March, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

Tim, that is a minger. So unfunny it made me blubber.

BOSH! White chocolate!

In terms of accepting someone's honest gesture of hospitality, I think the only meat I can say I would definitely refuse is human flesh. It's all that separates us from zombies.

I forgot to mention: whale tastes a bit like steak and kidney pie; along the same lines as beef, but almost like you can taste that there's more blood in there. Does that make sense?

Tuesday, 21 March, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

Sorry, it wasn't meant to be... I thought it was a good way to describe that kidney taste - like normal beef only with one of the elements of the flavour really high in the mix. An element that I believe to be blood. I had a lot of nosebleeds as a young boy, I'm familiar with the taste.

Wednesday, 22 March, 2006  
Blogger Tim Lovell said...

I think I'd have to agree Dan. Pretty much any meat for me. But then I'd expect nothing less from someone who happily eats live woodlice (thats Dan by the way, not me).

So you'd happily eat fried Tarantula (as they do in Vietnam I think), or maybe a dog burger, or cat hot dog...

Ok so maybe you would, but, another culinary challenge for you: Would you be happy to eat any PART of an animal- eyes, tongue, you know what I'm saying!

Thursday, 23 March, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't eat a cat hotdog, the oxymoron would just unsettle me to greatly (I think oxymoron is the right word, I was going to use paradox...)

Thursday, 23 March, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

Sam, you're caution is to be advised. Eating a cat hotdog would probably jeopardize the space-time continuum.

Tim, I'll thank you to bring the tone of this blog no lower than that last comment... But yes, I think I'd eat dog, cat or tarantula. In some ways I think it's just as valid to eat dogs as sheep (although I can't account for what they taste like). They just happen to be a kind of animal that Westerners have decided to keep as pets. And I'd probably at least try any part of the animal. I can't say I'd enjoy it but I'd give it a go.

Friday, 24 March, 2006  
Blogger Jon said...

I'm with Dan. Anything.

Tuesday, 28 March, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

It's salmon for dinner today. I will not dishonour the sacred code of hospitality but will take the delicious, pink bullet. I will eat the salmon.

Wednesday, 29 March, 2006  

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