Let's Explore My Face - A Picture Special!
I can't believe my countdown. It's been over a fortnight since I got my feet back on English soil but it's gone by so quickly. As soon as I was back I had to get my music together for John and Mel's wedding, at which my alter ego The Fresh Brian Dash played a set of pure cheese. Then I headed straight off for a week in the Lake District, drumming with Chris and Jen at the Keswick Convention, which was a brilliant way to spend a week. Drumming, laughing, walking, swimming, playing Deal Or No Deal and meticulously planning the next morning's breakfast strategy.
But the Good Ship Full English has sailed - now is the time to face some tough questions about myself. Where do I belong? What is the purpose of my life? Who am I?
But I'm not quite ready for them. Maybe if I build up to answering them by taking on an easier question. Like, who do I look like? Yes, I think this is the kind of issue I need to ponder to begin to find my place in this world.
I'll start my quest at the MyHeritage face recognition website.

But the Internet is far from the most reliable source of information, so let's have a look at a more human perspective. A great man once said, Who do the people say that I am? So, to follow in His footsteps (somewhat), I'm going to ask, Who do people say that I look like?

According to Sami Hussain, I also feature on the cover of The Sims 2 - Open for Business, as a cake-scoffing chef.

And lastly, the old favourite, mentioned by more observers than any other in the history of people who I look a bit like - Moses from the Prince of Egypt animated movie. Specifically, just after he's fled from Egypt and lost his wig.
So what does all this mean for me as a person? Actually, that's not a rhetorical question, I've got no idea where this post is going. Maybe we should call it a day there. If you've got any clue as to how to decipher the Dan Facey Code, then let me know. Or else share your own experience of being told you look like someone else. Alright? Great. See you later.
Kjære tid. Dear time.
I think you are going slightly crazy of breathing that english air again.
But I would say you look very much like yourself, if that's any help:)
What a hansome face!! hehehe!
Det var ikkje meg som "face'd"...
Ja Marthe, gaa eg ganske sinnsykt i england. Working too hard. Og eg har selvfolgelig glemt nestun alle norsk ordene...
My keyboard doesn't have the keys eg trenger either...
How are your summers going? Must be back at school soon...
Consider yourself lucky. The only famous(ish) people I've been likened to are shitbrick from American Pie and Glyn from the latest Big Brother.
Just thougt I should pay my respect and say that you definetly looked like Hugh Grant, at least at the "Cramming bogroll into my cheeks" picture! A perfect match!
Love from a secret admirer from the beutifully country of Norway!
And sorry about the language... Long time since last time I wrote in enlgish...
Is that you, Ole Petter?!
Well, whoever you are, you have no reason to be EMBARRASSED about your standard of English...
Good to hear from you, thanks for paying your respects.
cmon Dan, time for some activity in ere soon! Your blog almost would've been covered with old dust and moss if u'd kept it other places than Internett..
Be patient. I've working on something genuinely underwhelming that may well see the light of day before the new year.
Ok yeah, I'll do that... Norway was excellent, I'm about to post about it (hopefully). It was good to see you on Monday too.
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