Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Wear Two Pairs of Socks

I am grateful for heated flooring. It is getting cold outside - five below zero at the moment - still snowing and the fjord looks like it's beginning to freeze over. If it snows through tonight then it will definately clinch a sledging session tomorrow evening. It shouldn't be too hard to persuade people to come out for that. Of course the place looks beautiful, especially when it snows hard and makes everything go into slow motion. Days are much longer now too, as all the white makes the dim hours that much brighter. I've even got used to dressing for the weather; going to school in wellington boots and two jumpers doesn't feel so weird anymore.

The only negative about all the snow is the way it limits transportation; not in the same way that a light dusting of snowflakes grinds England to a halt, but I mean that I can't ride my bike. I had to walk to church this evening but multiple layers of clothing kept everything in good comfort and it's a small price to pay really. The Londoner in me was suspicious of any groups of youngsters hanging around, wary that they might be wrong 'uns intent on pelting me with snowballs, but I had nothing to fear.

I am anxious about one thing though: my increased sock use means that if I don't put a wash in tomorrow I could be out of clean ones. I mean that in a very real sense.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No problem Daniel. We can always buy you a pair for christmas.
And by the way; a little update on Mr. "I'm too cool for school".
Hes norwegian is brilliant! But I don't think the train to school is the best place to do homework though:)

Wednesday, 30 November, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...

Pipe down, Norway. That was one time I did homework on the train.

Wednesday, 30 November, 2005  
Blogger Tim Lovell said...

You could always get Jon M to knit you some socks, I hear he's a bit of a fanatic.

And by the way, I don't think you spell clinch with an 'e' at the end- thats more like cliche. I'm not trying to be pedantic, but you are a teacher to the mini-Norways, so I didn't want them to get the wrong idea.

Good job on the Norwegian though, I knew you'd pick it up quickly.

Thursday, 01 December, 2005  
Blogger Dan said...

It doesn't say "clinche"... Ahem. Norwegian er pushing engelsk out of my brain. See?

I'm away for the weekend with the oldest scouts. Not sure what for exactly, it's all strictly hush-hush. But see you later.

Friday, 02 December, 2005  

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