A Fistful of Ham
Question: What is a good name for a band? Or, to be more specific, what is a good name for the youth worship group here in Arna? When we played at last Sunday's scout service, John Øyvind wanted to introduce us with a name. At this point we realised he couldn't, as we didn't have one. So I'm calling on you to help christen the band. To help you with your suggestions, let me tell you something about the members of the group:
Fifteen-year-old guitarist Øyvind stands a towering 6'2" tall and couldn't be a nicer, more sociable chap. He can always be relied upon for a light-hearted chat or a bit of banter and as we laid many tables last Saturday we had a good old chuckle that the Norwegian for "dish" sounds quite a lot like the English word "fart". Øyvind loves the Chili Peppers and could launch into Californication at any given moment. Sharing vocal duties are Marthe and Anita. Marthe, sporting dreads, sends text messages in increasingly complex and colloquial Norwegian, throwing in a bit of Swedish too, for who knows what reason. She has recently begun developing her own take on the worship leader hand communication signals expertly employed by Jennie Orange and has the rip taken out of her at school for speaking English with a British accent. Good on her. Anita is possibly the person you'd be most likely to find at the church if you were to drop by at any random time. She puts in a lot of hours and, as far as I can remember, is the only singer I've known who has also perfectly mastered the use of PA equipment. It should also be noted that she is an excellent dancer.
The rhythm section is comprised of a drumming sibling tag team (Miriam and John Håvard) and a ham-fisted Englishman on the bass. John Håvard is a proper Barnabas - I think that every time I speak to or text him he encourages me about how "flink" I am at "norsk". He is a big fan of the Beatles, Elvis and other pop music of the sixties, and regularly invites me round for Indiana Jones or some other quality film. His older sister Miriam is both dreadlocked and allergic to milk. She claims to hate speaking English even though she is rather good at it, and has no small amount of talent when it comes to art. She is also emerging as something of a multi-instrumentalist, filling in on guitar for the absent Øyvind at Casa Feliz this week. Now this is where I come in, slightly old and out of place, fumbling desperately for a bass line that isn't chronically cheesy. I wish I could hit those amazing, discordant notes that sound so impressive but, sadly, I lack the necessary skill. On occasion I am required to play guitar and, to my great joy, drums.
So to the question of names. I've never been in a band that lacked an outstanding name - The Little Ferrets, Agent Bosco Sumo Monkey and Aaron's Beard clearly testify to that. Therefore it is quite important that this one doesn't let me down. Care to comment?
Fifteen-year-old guitarist Øyvind stands a towering 6'2" tall and couldn't be a nicer, more sociable chap. He can always be relied upon for a light-hearted chat or a bit of banter and as we laid many tables last Saturday we had a good old chuckle that the Norwegian for "dish" sounds quite a lot like the English word "fart". Øyvind loves the Chili Peppers and could launch into Californication at any given moment. Sharing vocal duties are Marthe and Anita. Marthe, sporting dreads, sends text messages in increasingly complex and colloquial Norwegian, throwing in a bit of Swedish too, for who knows what reason. She has recently begun developing her own take on the worship leader hand communication signals expertly employed by Jennie Orange and has the rip taken out of her at school for speaking English with a British accent. Good on her. Anita is possibly the person you'd be most likely to find at the church if you were to drop by at any random time. She puts in a lot of hours and, as far as I can remember, is the only singer I've known who has also perfectly mastered the use of PA equipment. It should also be noted that she is an excellent dancer.
The rhythm section is comprised of a drumming sibling tag team (Miriam and John Håvard) and a ham-fisted Englishman on the bass. John Håvard is a proper Barnabas - I think that every time I speak to or text him he encourages me about how "flink" I am at "norsk". He is a big fan of the Beatles, Elvis and other pop music of the sixties, and regularly invites me round for Indiana Jones or some other quality film. His older sister Miriam is both dreadlocked and allergic to milk. She claims to hate speaking English even though she is rather good at it, and has no small amount of talent when it comes to art. She is also emerging as something of a multi-instrumentalist, filling in on guitar for the absent Øyvind at Casa Feliz this week. Now this is where I come in, slightly old and out of place, fumbling desperately for a bass line that isn't chronically cheesy. I wish I could hit those amazing, discordant notes that sound so impressive but, sadly, I lack the necessary skill. On occasion I am required to play guitar and, to my great joy, drums.
So to the question of names. I've never been in a band that lacked an outstanding name - The Little Ferrets, Agent Bosco Sumo Monkey and Aaron's Beard clearly testify to that. Therefore it is quite important that this one doesn't let me down. Care to comment?
History: The Little Ferrets were a radical punk outfit who disbanded after writing one seminal song and performing a one-off show. As for your question, if you have to be told what is outstanding about that kind of name then maybe you are not the creative thinker needed to surpass or even equal it.
Megano Night, I have no idea why
The pyromaniac bedwetters.
Finding a name.. That`s youre job Dan, youre the creative soul here.. And after all you get paid to do these things!
Some interesting suggestions. May I deal with them one at a time?
SONJA - Lucie, I can see that you are eager to promote your ginger sister but I'm afraid that Norwegian hearts don't feel the same warmth towards her that we Brits do. Most probably because she had no talent.
MEGANO NIGHT - Sam, this sounds like the name of a girl, whose name is Megan O'Night. But I think you are subconciously on to something. MECCANO AND THE KNIGHTS is an exciting prospect for us all to consider...
THE PYROMANIAC BEDWETTERS - I can see where your inspiration is coming from on this one Jon, but I'm not sure I like it. The trouble is, this myth has been busted by both Tim's solemn testimony that he never did piddle in his bed and Joe's uncovering of a Reuters article indicating that, if anything, the reverse is true! See his comment on the relevant post for the link.
NORWEGIANS WITH ATITUDE - Maybe this name lacks something in terms of originality, Joe. On the other hand, if it worked before... maybe they could call their first release EFIL4SNAIGEWRON
All of these, while being fine suggestions, may not contain the title I am looking for... They do however, for some reason, remind me of an excellent band name that I came across last week. Possibly even better than the genuine and class band names of The Rock of Travolta and (flinging myself at the bandwagon) the Arctic Monkeys is... Milky Wimpshake. Think about it. Alright!
Miriam, I don't do anything without running it by The Brain Factory of my blog. Because if I have my way, you know full well that I will name the group INDIANA DAN AND THE NORWEGIANS OF DOOM.
Don't you mean 'Indiana Dan and the boy scouts of doom'.
Ah, yes... I mean no.
Although some hilarious pun could be made using "speider", the Norwegian for scout... Racking my brains...
How about 'I'm afraid of speiders' Not very catchy- but oh so true
Look no further...
Surely that there is a name that can't be beat. Best write a new post...
Paper Eyes
McFly Killers ;)
The Breaks
1000 Miles
Flow of power
Wall of Racket
Mart McFly and the Thunderstrikes
Light Hole
The Rods
Tower of Cards
Course of Life
Box with something in it
The Blessed
Chosen Few
A Mega Force
Unfinished Collection
Built to last
The Defaults
Basket Cases
Over Seas
Look 'n' Listen
The Ruins
1. Quantity Over Quality
2. Yes I did just write anything that came into my head
Marty McFly*
Sam, I am overwhelmed. Thank you so much. I expect my favourite of those names is already taken though - 1000 miles is surely a Proclaimers tribute band...
Thank you everyone, I cried and you answered. Your response has been tremendous and in only two days we have raised over fifteen comments for the cause. I can't say that any of the names will be used - that would almost certainly be a lie - but I can say that you've given me a lot to think about. Thanks again.
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